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2nd Annual Choral Festival
July 12th to July 20th

You will find the complete festival schedule, repertoire list, and registration information here.  Please register by June 1, 2025!

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Can you imagine our life together as a congregation without music? Or worship without the sounds of hymns and anthems? Of course not! Music is that integral to our life together: it lifts our spirits and speaks for us beyond words.  At LBPC, we’re blessed to have dedicated volunteers who lead us all in worship as they sing and play and

a new music director, Peyton Cole, in his first season with the church, who relishes the collaboration of making music in community. 


Did we mention we have a lot of FUN?!  If you’ve ever wanted to be part of making music that has such meaning in a supportive group, please join the Senior Choir, Bell Choir, Children’s Choir or The Trebles (girls choir).  No previous musical experience is necessary!  All are welcome – LBPC  members & friends! 

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Our Inaugural Choral Festival held Sunday, August 12th was a great success.  Congratulations to those in the choir and to Zoe Yost who led the program.  Thank you to all those who donated to support the Food Bank of Delaware!

Click the PDF to view the concert program

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