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Greetings!   It is a joy to be journeying with you through this season in the life of Lower Brandywine Presbyterian Church.  

Rev. Holy comes to us having just recently served as our Bridge Pastor. As she served in that role, a sense was developing that she was being called to interim and transitional ministry, especially to this congregation. Her energy for continuing as Interim Pastor was evidenced by the ideas she had about what might be helpful and fun for the congregation as we prepare for a new installed pastor, and the hopeful possibilities she felt about LBPC - its members, history, finances, building, staff, and spirit – as we move toward the future, attentive to God’s call upon us.


Rev. Holy has thirty years of ministry experience having served as an Associate Pastor, Christian Educator, Supply Pastor, Presbytery Staff, Bridge Pastor, and Campus Pastor.  She brings a love for healthy process and how it opens us to the movement of the Spirit of God; an appreciation for the inclusiveness and connectedness of the Presbyterian tradition; humble gratitude for the privilege of sharing the lives of folks in a congregation; and a hopeful curiosity about what new thing God is going to do with the Church in the years and generations to come.

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